Friday, December 22, 2006

Let's Start.....

Hi all,

Welcome to your own Hindi class. We will start learning Hindi in step by step manner.This way of learning Hindi is little bit different but very very easy and catchy than a traditional way. Before we start please try to remember following points,

1) Hindi is written in exactly same manner as it
has been spoken. i.e. Hindi is written as the
pronunciation.So if your pronunciation is right
then you can easily write also with the help of

2) I have divided our Hindi course in small small
chapters so thatit would become easy for you to
grasp it quickly. But I would recommend you to
go for the next chapter only after you are
confident about previous one.

3) To check and increase your confidence please
go through the Assignments at the end of each

4) If you are making mistakes in assignments, it
is very very good……..yes… because then only you
will practice it and will become an expert.

So……there you are……….Let us start our first chapter…….

Just as any language Hindi also have alphabets further divided as Vowels and Consonants.For each alphabet its pronunciation (or corresponding pronunciation letter in English )is printed on the top of it.

The vowels in Hindi are as follows,

Vowel marks are the symbols which we have to use instead of vowel while writing any Hindi letter.
Here we will have to do addition of consonant and vowel to get the final letter. i.e. CONSONANT + VOWEL(i.e. Vowel-mark) = HINDI LETTER. So this way since there are twelve vowels, we can make twelve letters from a single consonant.

This way we can make twelve such letters from a single leg-broken consonant by adding twelve vowel-marks to it.

The pronunciation of second last vowel-mark is *+n/m where * is replaced by a,e,i,o or u. So all combinations are am/an, em/en, im/in, om/on, and um/un.

So this completes our first chapter and assignment for this chapter would be try to remember and visualise all the alphabets with their respective pronunciations.

I will post my second chapter soon, till then happy learning and Good-Bye.


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